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Rädda Barnen, Malmö

Playful activity leaders for children in Malmö (Save the Children)

As part of the project ”Right to a meaningful leisure time” (Rätt till en meningsfull fritid), we host playful and social activities for children who live in two residential areas located in Northern Malmö. The areas offer accommodation for families who are dealing with the migration process, economic hardship, or living in unstable life situations. Through our activities, we aim to ensure the children maintain their right to play and have leisure time.  
At the activities, we will spend time, play and socialise with the children. Our activities are held at our premises at the housing areas in the afternoon. As volunteer, you will be working as the activity leader. The main tasks are: 1) to take part in play and social activities with children 2) to prepare before the activity and clean up after 3) to develop the project together with the team.

Here are the 5 steps (in Swedish) to start as volunteer for Save the Children:
Our activities are being held on a weekly basis, so we look for volunteers who could take part regularly. After you have sent in an application, we will contact you through email and provide more details about the volunteering task. You are always welcome to contact us.

*Be sure to check your spam folder if you did not receive a reply from us in your email inbox*

Minimum commitment

Tuesday 15:30-18:00 and Thursday 15:45-17:00. Two housing areas in Northern Malmö. We do not have requirement on how often and how much time you need to participate but we hope that you could join at least 2 times a month on a regular basis.

When and where the opportunity takes place

Tuesday 15:30-18:00 and Thursday 15:45-17:00. Two housing areas in Northern Malmö.

Rädda Barnen, Malmö

Rädda Barnen är en global barnrättsorganisation som funnits sedan 1919 och finns i över 120 länder, inklusive Sverige. . Rädda Barnen är religiöst och partipolitiskt obunden organisation som värnar om barns rättigheter, Arbetet utgår ifrån FN:s konvention (Barnkonventionen) och kämpar för barns rätt att överleva, utvecklas och växa upp i trygghet.

Se alla uppdrag hos Rädda Barnen, Malmö

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