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Erikshjälpen Second Hand, Malmö och Åkarp
Welcome to volunteer in our Second Hand store in Malmö!
Do you have time and want to make a difference?
Welcome as a volunteer at Erikshjälpen Second Hand Malmö where you are contributing to a better world for the children, the environment and those who live in social and economic vulnerability in our society.
We have been established in Malmö since 1999.
We offer you a wonderful community and the opportunity to work in a store, checkout and café and receive a certificate that strengthens your CV. You will gain work experience and references for future job applicants and a valuable insight into social work and store operations. You also get to meet people with different backgrounds, cultures and languages.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
We have been established in Malmö since 1999.
We offer you a wonderful community and the opportunity to work in a store, checkout and café and receive a certificate that strengthens your CV. You will gain work experience and references for future job applicants and a valuable insight into social work and store operations. You also get to meet people with different backgrounds, cultures and languages.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Minimum commitment
Minimum 4 hours at a time
When and where the opportunity takes place
In our Second Hand shop at Sallerupsvägen 88 in Malmö Opening hours second hand shop Tuseday - Friday 11-18 and Saturday & Sundays 11-16
Type of work
Erikshjälpen Second Hand, Malmö och Åkarp
Erikshjälpen Second Hands affärsidé är att sälja skänkta varor som genererar medel till sociala och humanitära insatser via Erikshjälpen eller samarbetspartners. Erikshjälpen Second Hand vill även erbjuda människor gemenskap, arbetsträning och praktik för att hitta vägar till personlig utveckling.
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