Solidaritet för Ungdomens Framtid
Solidaritet för Ungdomens Framtid
Who are we?
Solidaritet för Ungdomens Framtid is a Swedish non-for-profit organization involved in the World Programme of Action for Youth.
Our mission:
Solidaritet för Ungdomens Framtid aims at promoting an integral evolution of all children and youth by safeguarding their human dignity mainly through the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the child and the World Programme of Action for Youth.
Our vision:
The organization recognizes that any child and any youth possesses dynamism of life and resources which can be better shown when the conditions of life are good.
Every child and youth must benefit from a protective environment granted by their family and their community in which they live. Their integral development requires a set of gathered conditions.
Therefore, a wide range of institutions, including the family, educators, civil society and the government must strive to create an enabling environment that favours the development of psychological, cognitive and physical capacities of the child and the youth which will lead to a better future.
Main domains of action:
The superior interest of the child and the youth is in the centre of engagement of the organization. It caters for all children and youth without discrimination watsoever in respect of their nationality, gender, their ethnicity, culture and religion.
Attentive to the real needs of the child and the youth, the organization professionally intervenes in the priority areas of education, hunger and poverty, health and HIV/AIDS, drugs abuse, the youth
delinquency, integration, leisure, art, sport and culture, ICT, human rights and environment but can also intervene in other domains of interest to the child and youth.
Development of the child and youth in all dimensions:
The child and the youth need to be protected, fed, cured and educated. However, their psychological well-being is also essential. Their bond to their family and community must be preserved. Therefore, they have the right to be looked after, to play, to be happy, receive affection and also to have a profession in the future. The integral development of the child and youth and their happiness require again, to be able to attain whichever situation they can aspire in their lives.
Adress: C/O Ninon Brontë NIBIGIRA , Malmgatan 26 , 56632
Mejl: [email protected]
Aktuella uppdrag
Solidaritet för Ungdomens Framtid