Amnesty International

Amnesty International - Get Involved in Human Rights in Sweden!

Do you want to make a difference in your community for human rights? Are you passionate about standing up for justice with like-minded individuals? Amnesty is looking for dedicated people to join our groups in Sweden! As part of an Amnesty group, you'll work with other activists to promote human rights while gaining skills in project management, teamwork, and organization.
In today’s polarized world, where human rights are under threat, it’s more important than ever to unite in defending the fundamental rights of every individual.

Amnesty invites you to become a human rights advocate by joining one of our working groups. These groups vary in focus, methods, and composition, offering opportunities to find what suits you best.
Some groups focus on specific countries, like Syria or Turkey, while others address regions such as Latin America or the Middle East.

There are also groups dedicated to issues like women’s rights, LGBTQI rights, and the death penalty. Activities include writing letters to authorities, gathering signatures, organizing events, and giving lectures. Most groups use Swedish, but most welcome English speakers.
We’ll help you find the group that matches your interests! As an activist, you’ll deepen your knowledge of human rights, develop organizational and leadership abilities, and connect with like-minded individuals. National meetings provide opportunities to network and grow. 

Minimum commitment

As an activist, you decide for yourself and with your Amnesty group how much you want to take on and how active your group should be.

When and where the opportunity takes place

Groups work in various ways. Expect primarily to work during physical or digital meetings, as well as during activities and events.



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Amnesty International

Amnesty International utreder och dokumenterar allvarliga kränkningar av mänskliga rättigheter. Vi utövar påtryckningar mot makthavare för att förebygga, förhindra och stoppa dessa kränkningar, samt kräver att de som gör sig skyldiga till övergrepp ska ställas inför rätta. För att öka kunskapen om de mänskliga rättigheterna arbetar Amnesty International även med information, utbildning och opinionsbildning. Amnesty Internationals vision är en värld där varje människa åtnjuter alla de rättigheter som ingår i FN:s allmänna förklaring om de mänskliga rättigheterna.

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