Amnesty International

Do you want to challenge structural discrimination with Amnesty?

Do you want to make a difference for justice and human rights? Join Amnesty and engage for a fairer future!

Amnesty International Malmö is currently looking for passionate individuals who want to actively contribute to the fight against discrimination and injustices that affect marginalized groups, particularly in issues related to structural racism, power dynamics, and social justice.

What does the role involve?
As an activist with Amnesty, you will:
  • Gain in-depth knowledge of the role of activism in the work for social justice.
  • Work with specific issues such as racial justice and stop-and-search zones, and understand how these affect society.
  • Participate in and organize campaigns to challenge structural discrimination and promote justice.
  • Collaborate with other activists and voices to create a more inclusive and just world.

Are you ready to be part of the change?
Together, we can influence society and work for justice for all. Submit your application today and become part of Amnesty's efforts for a more just world!
Welcome to make a difference!

Minimum commitment

Minimum 2 hours a month

When and where the opportunity takes place

In person or digital depending on activity

Amnesty International

Amnesty International utreder och dokumenterar allvarliga kränkningar av mänskliga rättigheter. Vi utövar påtryckningar mot makthavare för att förebygga, förhindra och stoppa dessa kränkningar, samt kräver att de som gör sig skyldiga till övergrepp ska ställas inför rätta. För att öka kunskapen om de mänskliga rättigheterna arbetar Amnesty International även med information, utbildning och opinionsbildning. Amnesty Internationals vision är en värld där varje människa åtnjuter alla de rättigheter som ingår i FN:s allmänna förklaring om de mänskliga rättigheterna.

Se alla uppdrag hos Amnesty International

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