Ingen Människa är Illegal, Uppsala — Uppsala

Help undocumented refugees in Uppsala


The network Ingen Människa är Illegal (No One Is Illegal) work to give support to people who were forced to go underground after having their asylum application rejected, undodumented refugees. Ingen Människa är Illegal believes in and fights for a world without national borders, a world where no one is illegal.

In Uppsala we support around 20 people; young people, adults and families with children. We help with finding accommodation, paying rent, help with healthcare or other vital contacts and provide social support to those who need it. All of us who are involved in the network do so voluntarily and without payment.

As a volunteer, you become part of a larger group that works together to support our contacts and those who need our help.
Part of the networks work is to support and be a contact person for those we support. Then you have regular contact and convey information and help between the network and the people we support.
Another important part is to organize events, partly to spread knowledge about our issues, but above all to collect money to be able to help our contacts with food, rent and healthcare. Recurring events that we have are brunches, coffee, poetry evenings and Christmas market, but all ideas are welcome!

Minsta åtagande

We have a meeting once a month when we talk about if there are any contacts who need extra support and plan upcoming events. We also have at least one fundraising event every month.

När och var sker uppdraget

We usually meet up in the central parts of Uppsala for the meeting, and our events are also in Uppsala.





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