RFSL Uppsala — Uppsala

Uppsala Pride 2025 - event volunteer


As a volunteer you will be part of organizing Uppsala's annual Pride festival. The event will likely run for at least one full day some time in September 2025, probably a Saturday. Uppsala Pride 2024 had about 4000 participants.

Typical tasks are arranging furniture, moving items to and from the venue, decorating, staffing tables, helping visitors, acting as a stage hand and helping with the parade. Tasks are assigned based on wishes and ability, and you won't need to work alone. 

Volunteering is open to both English and Swedish speakers.

Minsta åtagande

Participation during most of the day, preferably including the parade.

När och var sker uppdraget

Uppsala Konsert & Kongress, the whole day, one day. Depending on your tasks you can start as early as 6:00 and end as late as 3:00 at night, you decide what schedule works best. You can also choose to help out the day before, Friday 6 September, with decorating and moving things during the afternoon and evening.


There are many different tasks, so as long as you're able to work as part of a team there are probably things you'll be able to do. For general accessibility information see https://www.ukk.se/konferens/jag-ska-delta/tillganglighet/




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