Amnesty International

Amnesty International Gothenburg Seeks Members for a Media group

Amnesty International Gothenburg Seeks: Media Group Members
Amnesty International is a global organization fighting for freedom, justice, and equal rights. We are now looking for engaged individuals to document and highlight the work of our local groups.
The media group will primarily document demonstrations, lectures, and events organized by Amnesty in Stockholm, Malmö, and Gothenburg. This requires availability to attend events in these cities. The group may also work with photography and film to raise awareness of human rights, such as through exhibitions. We prefer applicants with experience in photography or film and would love to see a portfolio of your work. No prior Amnesty experience is needed - we’ll provide the necessary training.

We Offer:

  • Training on Amnesty and our work.
  • A meaningful role in an international human rights organization.
  • The chance to contribute to Amnesty’s activism.
  • Insights into current human rights issues.
  • Opportunities for further education in activism and human rights.

This is a voluntary (unpaid) role, with workload depending on the group’s needs. Meetings can be remote, but event attendance requires physical presence. A startup meeting will be held in the month of April. During the summer, response times may be slower, but we will reach out for a digital meeting in the fall. 

Minimum commitment

At least 2 hours a month.

When and where the opportunity takes place

The group has its meetings online. When exactly the members of the group decide.

Amnesty International

Amnesty International utreder och dokumenterar allvarliga kränkningar av mänskliga rättigheter. Vi utövar påtryckningar mot makthavare för att förebygga, förhindra och stoppa dessa kränkningar, samt kräver att de som gör sig skyldiga till övergrepp ska ställas inför rätta. För att öka kunskapen om de mänskliga rättigheterna arbetar Amnesty International även med information, utbildning och opinionsbildning. Amnesty Internationals vision är en värld där varje människa åtnjuter alla de rättigheter som ingår i FN:s allmänna förklaring om de mänskliga rättigheterna.

Se alla uppdrag hos Amnesty International

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