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Amnesty International

Do you want to start a Palestine group for Amnesty in Lund or Malmö?

Interested in the Palestine issue? We need committed activists for a new Palestine group.

The idea is for the group to get involved in actions that concern Amnesty's work for human rights in Gaza, in Israel and in the 
West Bank, together with other Palestine groups within Swedish Amnesty.

What does the assignment entail?
- To regularly participate in the group's meetings approximately 1-2 times a month
- To be part of the planning and execution of actions for people's rights
- To develop and improve the group's structure and working methods

What can you get out of the assignment?
- Learn more about organizing & activism 
- Great opportunities to deepen your knowledge of human rights
- Able to develop and gain knowledge in project management, organization and working in groups

Welcome to register your interest!

Minimum commitment

2 hours per month

When and where the opportunity takes place

The members of the group decide together where we meet and where we arrange our activities. The group has both digital meetings and on-site meetings in Amnesty's office in Malmö or in Lund at the Amnesty Shop.. Activities are mainly carried out in Malmö or in Lund.

Amnesty International

Amnesty International utreder och dokumenterar allvarliga kränkningar av mänskliga rättigheter. Vi utövar påtryckningar mot makthavare för att förebygga, förhindra och stoppa dessa kränkningar, samt kräver att de som gör sig skyldiga till övergrepp ska ställas inför rätta. För att öka kunskapen om de mänskliga rättigheterna arbetar Amnesty International även med information, utbildning och opinionsbildning. Amnesty Internationals vision är en värld där varje människa åtnjuter alla de rättigheter som ingår i FN:s allmänna förklaring om de mänskliga rättigheterna.

Se alla uppdrag hos Amnesty International

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