RFSL Uppsala
Uppsala Pride 2024 - event volunteer
Typical tasks are arranging furniture, decorating, helping visitors, acting as a stage hand, being responsible for a barricade and helping direct the parade. Tasks are assigned based on wishes and ability. Volunteering is open to both English and Swedish speakers.
Minimum commitment
Participation during most of the day, preferably there at the start.
When and where the opportunity takes place
Uppsala Konsert & Kongress, 7 September, the whole day. Depending on your tasks you can start as early as 6:00 and end as late as 3:00 at night, you decide what schedule works best. You can also choose to help out the day before, Friday 6 September, with decorating and moving things during the afternoon and evening.
Type of work
RFSL Uppsala
RFSL Uppsala är den lokala avdelningen av den nationella RFSL-organisationen som kämpar för homosexuellas, bisexuellas, transpersoners och queeras rättigheter i Sverige. Vårt fokus är att stödja hbtq personer i Uppsala genom att erbjuda en plats för stöd, aktivism och utbildning.
Se alla uppdrag hos RFSL UppsalaSimilar opportunities